Optan UVC LEDs Enable Fluorometers for Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring
Parameters: Tryptophan, Refined Fuels Read article Authors: Hari Venugopalan Institution: Crystal IS

C6P Submersible Fluorometer deployed at Exploratorium
Parameters: Turbidity, CDOM, Chlorophyll, Phycoerythrin, Crude Oil, Refined Fuels In May 2016, Turner Designs deployed a new C6P...

Wave Glider tracking salmon, monitoring ocean parameters
Parameters: Chlorophyll, CDOM, Turbidity The Ocean Tracking Network (OTN), a global research and technology development initiative...
The Role of Lake Depth in Regulating Water Quality and Fish Assemblages in Oxbow Lakes of the Yazoo
Parameters: Chlorophyll View Presentation Author: Daniel Goetz Institution: Mississippi State University
Sea School in Florida Using Turner Designs Fluorometers to Track the Gulf Oil Spill
Parameters: Crude Oil Sanibel Sea School in Florida is using the Turner Designs Cyclops Submersible Fluorometer configured with crude oil...