Poster: Water Quality Monitoring of the Upper St. Lawrence River Using Remote Sensor Arrays Placed i
Parameters: Turbidity, CDOM, Phycocyanin, Chlorophyll Nice poster at IAGLR using our C6 with turbidity, CDOM, phycocyanin and chlorophyll...

The Nearshore Network - Instrumenting Lake Tahoe
Parameters: Chlorophyll, DOM, Turbidity The UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC) has been working to launch the world’s...

Natural fluorescence of freshwaters of the Hudson Bay Lowland: A sentinel of water quality and envir
Parameters: CDOM The Hudson Bay Lowland is the third largest contiguous wetland in the world, stretching over 300,000 square kilometers...

Wave Glider tracking salmon, monitoring ocean parameters
Parameters: Chlorophyll, CDOM, Turbidity The Ocean Tracking Network (OTN), a global research and technology development initiative...

Monitoring Platform Protects Penobscot Indian Nation, Culture
Parameters: In Vivo Chlorophyll, Phycocyanin, CDOM, Turbidity A water quality monitoring platform in the Penobscot River is helping the...